This day in age there is so many companies offering aftermarket
products for musicians. From tuners, straps, picks, braces, upgrades and on and on that it is sometimes hard to know what is good and what is made well. When it comes to being a musician it is like most things that you can spend as deep as your wallet wants to go on some really fancy items. So many musicians choose leather straps over nylon or other materials cause of the comfort and styles that can be made from it. Flying V Leather Acc is a company that will make just about anything out of leather (Depending on how deep your wallet wants to go) Straps, V Rests, Braces, Drum Bags and with new products on the way.
Instead of the normal review I am going to break down the products I
own from Flying V and what separates them and why they are great
1. V Rest

2. RR Pro Series Strap

Flying V makes this strap to pay tribute to one of
the greatest guitar players in the world. This strap is
recreation of the late great Ozzy guitar player that uses
the highest grade leather and handcrafting available and hand
driven studs. You can order it in different widths and lengths
to adjust to the size of the player. This is one of my favorite
straps I own it is really comfy and looks great on any stage or
jam room. This is build like a tank and beautiful from top to bottom!

This is a simple but very effective wrist brace that is great for looks
or for the player that needs a bit of support on there playing arm. High
end leather and two buckles allow for total comfort. The chrome and black
look is always just rock n roll. Flying V has some you can choose from or
you can design your own style or add or take away anything you choose to
make it perfect for your comfort.
4. Wrist Brace

5. Guitar Strap

I went to Flying V when Carvin Guitars was making me a custom guitar that was really flashy (DC400A Orange To Purple Burst Over Quilt). I told Matt that I wanted this strap to go hand in hand with the guitar with colors and have my name on it. Matt said ''No problem Jon if you can dream it I can make it''. This is actually very simple strap (Exactly what I wanted) that is hand made and hand colored with my name printed on in orange. This strap is amazing and very comfy to play it supports the most heavy guitar without making my shoulder tired.
My Opinion
I have owned and or played over 100 straps in my 25 years with a guitar or bass strapped to my body. I have owned more brands then I can even remember. I have had a few wrist braces also but never was able to get someone to build me one with there own two hands to fit me perfect. Matt over at Flying V Leather Acc is at the front of quality and takes each customer one on one to make sure they get exactly what they want. He has great service after the sale if you do not get what you was hoping to get. Build times can be a bit lengthy but that is cause he is making them by hand one at a time by himself. The V Rest is one of the coolest must have products for the V player since the actual V itself. It allows you to push them long sessions without having to wear a strap and be in total comfort. I have another strap being made for my VG Guitars Phoenix guitar (I did a talk about it in a earlier session) that is going to have everything but the kitchen sink on it that only Matt can do. The prices are amazing and the products are all hand made in the USA so there is no going wrong with this company.
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